don't leave me high. don't leave me dry.
20080818 - 19:57
"Silence, is the language of stones."

And just like that, emotions has been rationalized, by the simple question of what a brick wants to be, by architecture in totality. The finite meets the infinite. The tangible meets the intangible. One may have just found his raison d’etre. Austerely divine.
Damnit kijun put your crapping skills to good use. Proposal n presentation wtf@*&*#(@!.......
another one bites the dust.
- 19:31
Wah, damn painful.

It's not that we dun support him, noe. One would like to say good try, good fight. But ish, damn pain. Another year eludes our nation from Olympic glory. At least he got silver, 2nd place, consolation. Contented.? Yesh, typical Msian mindset.
Then it got me thinking. Why is there no squash in the Olympics.? Not just in Beijing, in like, ever. Never once was it recognized as an Olympic sport, tho it remains in consideration for future Olympic programmes. Bugger wei. If got in Beijing den confirm win lor. Women's singles owning for sure.
"Why no squash.?!"
Perhaps it'll be introduced at London 2012.? Mm, yea she's still considered young n wad nots. Let's jst hope she doesnt potong stim by den. *cough*Federer*cough*
i simply find it hilarious that he had to resort to doubles for gold.
On another note,

Purchase justified.
Let's ring in a few more, Wenger. We need depth.!
oh, oh, 'fessions to, i do, i, i do..
20080810 - 18:17
boogie. bop. shindig.

jom. jom. It's on the 15th of August ppl, Friday. T.G.I.F. groupies such as yours truly should hv no problem attending, even if you're not, it starts at 6pm till late(appropiate late) so schedule clashes shall be deemed ridiculous. Pre-tickets are rm15, door-sale's at rm20. Totally worth it with, *bimboism* like, the epitome of rave, Ministry of Sound, Euphoria will be spinning the tracks. I shyt you not. Not to mention Fly fm, Flybies perhaps.? If you dance/have a crew, register. If you dance, attend. If you don't dance, attend anyways. If you're too free, well, attend. If you don't, publicize. Appreciated.! For more details.
lets conspire to reginite.
- 17:51
With the Beijing Olympics 08 literally happening now as i enscribe, i'm sure most of you had spectated the awe-inspiring performances of the opening ceremony, with radical compositions of light and fireworks. And yeah, most of you had probably glimpsed the Beijing National Stadium, better known as the "Bird's Nest", and the Aquatic Centre, the "Water Cube".

air pollution/breathtaking view.
To be honest, i was abit sceptical, as a layman and an aspiring archeetek, on the choice the orang atas made building a design conceptualized from a bird's nest. The fact that i didnt see the stadium itself before i heard about it made my imagination run wild about it's design. A waste of 44,000 tons of steel, maybe.? But after having a look at the few other proposals that failed to make the grade, i think it's safe to say the Bird's Nest was the right choice in the end.

I can't help but echo the sentiments of studio.7 when he labelled this as vulgar. how obscene. ROFL.

Looks rather Siam-ish, noe.? Maybe it's the gold effect. Guess they could reuse the proposal shall Bangkok ever host the Olympics..

I quite like this to be frank. Damnit im developing a fetish for roofs that seem to 'emerge' from the ground. Lacks abit of contextual representation tho.

Oooo. Sky Terrace. Another fetish. Who wouldnt wanna be able to have the experience of the Games from roof, rite.? Apparently, if the proposal was accepted, we could.

UFO written all over it. Belongs to Su and Jason's extra terrestrial armada of architecture.

Zomg rite. I find it hard to believe that they would be able to make the roof 'retractable' as such. But then again, after the stuff the orang china did for the opening ceremony, nothing seems to be impossible.
More images and info on other proposals can be viewed here. Personally, i believe large scale buildings such as stadiums and gravity-defying skyscrapers are more of an engineering feat, compared to an architekchooral one. No doubt, architects design em buildings, but there is little room to roam in the matter of creativity and articulation of shape and form. More variables have to be taken into account such as wind loads, earthquakes, and other forces of nature, steering the building's design, with it's complex calculations and degree manipulations molding the structure into reality.
breathe in breathe out, tell me all of your doubts.
20080802 - 23:58
"Expression in architecture should not be loud, for architecture speaks the language of silence."
Should kijun attempt to be poetic? architekchoorally. From creating 'negative spaces' to expressing vastness of void to the infinite. Oh the quixoticness of Botta. Or sense the greater whole, the fluid and contiguous space, the 'universal space' of Mies in all its glory. And buggerism, I still cannot perceive the roof garden notion of Le Corbu's 'Five Points' in Mr. Ban's Curtain Wall.

dream on, kijun, you live in M'sia.
The inauguration of sem 2 was superfluously exasperating. Still not familiar with the expressed half of the group, apart from a banana (HAHA). Clashing of timetables, cramming of students into a sardine can.? One can understand the unision of both intakes, but perhaps some rational and logical arrangement could've been sketched out right from the start.? Fixing a class then swapping midway, wadaloadabull. Oh and dun get me started on the issue of lan. mmg dulan. If there's any consolation, most of us get fridays off. For those who dont, all i can say is T.G.I.F. rofl..
Due to our unreasonable schedule, it's the only autocad experience i'll have for now.
aiman | parachuting cow
alex kang | monkey brains
alex lee | bumpitybump!
chang fu | the road less taken
chantelle | scribbles & doodles
chia wen | my stories
chunnymomo | emo bunny
dat han | "handsome"
douglas | the sad king
edward | scatterbrain
ellen | shut up and listen
farahin | the future's bright
fatin johanna | fat joe
felix | still full of crap
hanisah | the koya side
jason | mcspiky
jon low | bouncing pulse
jon-a-than | the day starts in the evening
justin | with a panic switch
kenny | pokealoozatopia
kok chywn | false truth
krystal | a silent symphony
lai ming | SCAG
lei-ling | truly yours sincerely
li hui | lizzette
li may | say wert?
li yuan | bimbo-ness?
mabel | this thingy
manissa | penned and pixeled
marie | had a little lame lamb
monkey | stefanie??
mun you | mun-ey, mun-day, mun-ich..
nicholas | is he right?
norman | are marbles made of marble?
rachel | pink freak
rachel | all about her
rebecca | insanity squeaks
roe seann | life's boring without her
sabd | taylor's school of architecture, building and design
samantha | dare to change
sharon | sharon's twist
shibi | hot chocolate and marshmallows
sophia | sean nós
su yiean | chapters
ting yee | tucking fibs into a cookie jar
wee lim | the real smell of wee
yee shuian | unremitting gyration
yi ling | ling.ling-fied
zhen long | zl express
zhen yang | -
the dramatist | kijun
the layout | hilary